Minutes from Parish Council Meeting Village Hall

Wednesday 9th August at 9:30am

Clerk: John Vanderwolfe FSLCC Chartered MCIPD

johnvw@tiscali.co.uk Mobile: 07715234959

Minutes of the Annual Council meeting held on Tuesday 8th August 2023 at the Bickleigh Village Hall

Present: Cllr’s A Somerwill (Chair), G Lock, L Deprieelle and C Wolfenden

In Attendance: Mr C Williams (outgoing chairman), Clerk (Mr J Vanderwolfe) and one member of the publi


Election of Chairman

The meeting was opened by the outgoing chairman, Mr C Williams, who welcomed everyone to the meeting, congratulated members who had been elected as members of the council; and called for nominations for chairman for the ensuing year

Cllr A Somerwill was elected as chairman. She then took her Declaration of Acceptance of office; witnessed by the Proper Officer.



Cllr G Lock was elected as Vice-chairman for the ensuing year.


Acceptance of Office of Councillors

The clerk stated that all members present had duly signed their Acceptance of Office Declarations prior to the start of the meeting. There was a need for Cllr Wright to sign his form before the next council meeting. The meeting agreed to this dispensation.


Outside Bodies

Playfield Association: Cllr A Somerwill

Village Hall : Cllr L Deprieelle

Footpaths Officer : Mr Somerwill

Devon Association Local Councils: Vacant

Raddon Hills: It was understood that this committee was defunct; therefore would not require a representative.



Cllr M Wright had sent his apology because he was away on business. This apology was accepted.


Declaration of Interest under the Code of Conduct

No Declarations of Interest were made at this stage of the meeting.



The Minutes of the meeting held on the 14th April 2023 were adopted as a true record; and signed by the chairman.


Matters Arising

Cllr Somerwill asked about water works in the parish. The clerk suggested that a letter could be sent to South West Water requesting details of any scheduled works in the parish. This was agreed.

There was a need to improve communication, and one idea put forward was a regular newsletter.


Public Period

No questions were asked.


County and District Report

The new MDDC District Councillor had forwarded a report, which was noted. No report had been received from our County Councillor.


Accounts for Payment: Following accounts were ratified: Mr C Williams 216.46, CPRE £35.00.


Bank Signatures and Accounts

The clerk explained that there had been a long term problem with the changing of signatures. He stated that this needed to be resolved as he was not receiving bank statements, or had any information regarding receipts or payments. Chairman and Vice Chairman, plus the clerk to be signatures. Mr Williams would speak to the past chairman to see if he could obtain signatures from previous authorised people.


Repairs, Renewals, Lengthsman, Highway and Section 106

Cllr Somerwill will speak with the playfield committee in relation to S106 funding that had been earmarked for them.


Councillor Training

The clerk offered to run a training course for the new councillors. This would take place on Wednesday 6th September at the Tiverton Town Hall, commencing at 6.45pm. The clerk was thanked for this offer, and it was hoped all would attend.



The Trout had applied for change of use to a dwelling; and was now applying for change of us to a number of dwellings. Noted that this establishment is in the Tiverton parish. Noted

A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) had been made by MDDC in respect of a tree in the property of 2 Bell Cottages, Bickleigh. Noted