News All the latest, in and around Bickleigh

John, known to so many in our local commumity and throughout the South West, died in a tragic accident on his farm on Saturday September 19th 2020. He loved this part of the Exe Valley where he...

Please click HERE for the latest Covid-19 update from Devon Country Council. Included are details of the new NHS Covid-19 app., Devon testing numbers and advice for parents on helping...

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation, the committee has reluctantly taken the decision to cancel all remaining meetings for 2020.  Social distancing for the format of our meetings...

BICKLEIGH COMMUNITY LIBRARYWe are very grateful to all who have contributed to the library since “lock-down” started. The long-term plan for the Community Library is to locate the books...

Many congratulations to Thom and Polly Thompson who celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary on August 8th 2020. 

Please note that the Silverleigh Parish Magazine will not be distributed electronically this month or in future, as it is now possible to print and deliver hard copies to subscribers as before...

Please find attached the latest edition of Mid Devon Matters containing a number of positive stories about what the councils of Devon have been doing in recent weeks.

Please clink on this LINK for the latest update from Devon County Council.

At the last meeting of the Bickeigh Coronavirus Response Team it was agreed that we would stand down our volunteer activities for the time being but be ready to reactivate should the need arise. The...