News All the latest, in and around Bickleigh

 Fear not, Joan's Orchard has not been invaded by aliens or roaming travellers. The wonderful teepee style marquee makes an impressive impact in the lovely setting of apple blossom for...

A larger than ever number of people enjoyed walking through Byway Woods on Sunday April 10th by invitation of the Greenslade family, many of us mindful of Farmer John whose grave we passed on route....

UKRAINE APPEALOn Monday 14th March collections of aid for Barnabas fund to distribute to Ukrainian refugees are being made. To support this local initiative donations left at St Mary's Church on...

The next meeting of the revamped Parish Council is on Tuesday 8th March at 6:00pm in the village hall. We have a packed agenda (see below) including items on the Queens Jubilee Celebrations, The...

Please be aware that Bickleigh Bridge will be closed on Monday 21st February 2022 until Tuesday 22nd February 2022 (both dates inclusive).This is necessary to remove trees caught against...

Bickleigh Local History NewsBickleigh links with Tasmania and New Zealand.The Bickleigh village website recently received an enquiry from Dunedin in South Island New Zealand. They asked for...

Following the resignation of Cllr Bob Deed there is a vacancy for a councillor on the Parish Council.If anyone is intertested please speak with any of the existing councillors including myself who...

Please click HERE for the latest update from Devon County Council and in particular The Director of Public Health Devon.