Bickleigh Pandemic Quiz

We had a family quiz recently, in which we put together a round on 'Pandemics'. Have a go.... you can message me  or email me your answers if you like, I'll return answers and your score, and we can announce top scores. Up to you if you google !

Richard Somerwill on Facebook, email is


1.  What and when was the last pandemic before Covid-19 ?

2.   32 million died from this pandemic- which continues- but had its origins in the 1960s

3.   Which Scandinavian painter's self-portrait was entitled 'Self Portrait After the Spanish Flu' ?

4.   The word 'pandemic' derives from two Greek words- pan and demos. What do they mean ?

5.   In which country did the Spanish influenza pandemic of 1918-1920 begin ?

6.   Many think that this disease, once a pandemic, is extinct. However, there are still around 650 cases per year, with a 10% mortality rate, even after treatment. Which disease ?

7.   Which French-Algerian philosopher and author wrote 'The Plague' in 1947 ?

8.   What is 'La Pesadilla' also known as ?

9.   Which small southern African state has had the world's highest adult prevalence rate for HIV/Aids (of around 25%) throughout this century ?

10.  The Black Death pandemic of 14th century originated from which continent ?


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