Cleave Barton Wedding Barn

Approval has been given by Mid Devon Planners to the change of use of craft workshops to a wedding venue and for associated works including extension to carpark  The applicants will be restricted to its use for a maximum of 28 days a year and before the first event can be held will need to satisfy the Planning Authority on strict conditions concerning sound proofing, accoustic and sound levels, noise management, flood risk and emergency escape. Restricted use of the Courtyard will be imposed and a 2 metre high  and 30 metre long noise prevention barrier must be erected along the overflow car park

Timings of events will be limited 7am-midnight Monday-Thursday; 7am -01.00 hours Friday and Saturday ; and 7am- 23.00 hours on Sunday, public or bank holidays. The permission includes use of the bar for weddings/functions only and cannot be used as a public house or for use by the glamping occupants.

The aproval letter states that the Environment agency have advised that the "building be made as resilient and resistant to flooding as is reasonably practical" and also states that the development will not have an unacceptable impact on the local road network and on the character and appearance of the countryside.




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