Easter Season Worship in Bickleigh

A message from Revd Paul Kingdom together with details of Easter Season Worship in Bickleigh.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ

We are still continuing in our Holy Week journeys and I look forward to joining you this evening at 7pm for our Maundy Thursday service and tomorrow at 2pm for Good Friday. Full details have been circulated earlier but if you require them again please let me know.

We will continue with our ‘virtual’ worship from Easter Day and through the Easter season until we are able to worship together in our church buildings. This will be at 10am every Sunday and will have the same link and details every week. Please see the attached notice.

Easter Day will be special (that goes without saying) and our worship at 10am on that day will include some special elements. The order of service is attached. Please try to have a candle with you ready to light at the appropriate time. You may wish to wear an Easter Bonnet – homemade or otherwise. Also be ready to make a lot of noise (when prompted) – bells, cymbals, drums etc would be welcome. There will also be an element of remembering our baptisms. We are also, rather scarily, going to try to sing two hymns (words attached). I will play a recording of the organ music which I suspect will be heard a bit distorted at your end. But let’s all try to sing with ‘gusto’, open the windows and let the neighbours (or at least the birds and lambs) hear our joyful Easter praise.

You will need the prayer for receiving Spiritual Communion.

After the end of the service please stay on and we can share pictures of our Easter gardens, Easter pictures we may have painted, Easter stories, bonnets, show off the Easter eggs and general Easter fun. Any youngsters would be especially welcome to join us - for the whole service or to drop in at the end (I suspect it will be nearing 11am but no problem to drop in whenever).

Please try to keep your microphone on mute unless there is something to say – or you want to make a noise for everyone to hear.

With Holy Week and Easter Blessings


The Revd. Paul Kingdom

Rector of Silverton, Butterleigh, Bickleigh and Cadeleigh.



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