Exe Valley u3a visit Bickleigh

40 Exe Valley u3a members visited Bickleigh church on 8th August. Sue Chamberlain spoke about its history and pointed out particular interesting features which included the Norman font, green man, monumental tombs and outside the unusual lychgate. The Carew family connections as Lords of the Manor and Rectors were very evident and continues today, beginning way back around 1510 with the elopement of Thomas Carew and Elizabeth Courtenay.

Returning to the village hall, Richard Chamberlain told the colourful life story of Bampfylde Moore Carew, son of the rector and buried in the churchyard in an unmarked grave. John Baker followed with a personal story of arriving in Bickleigh as a 4 year old evacuee with memories of regularly attending Bickleigh church and swallows flying around the roof and home army muskets clattering to the floor. His job in charge of displaying the hymn numbers was made more interesting by putting up the wrong number!

A lovely village tea ended a very enjoyable afternoon.

If you would like to know more about local history or any of the other 20+ interest groups run by Exe Valley u3a please look at their website or speak to David on 01884 855210.

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