Planning Application adjacent Highfields

A revised planning application to build 7 new properties on land adjacent to Highfields has been received by Mid Devon Planning Authority.

It states,"This application is made with a view to opening the possibility of the Council’s reconsideration of its Decision under App Ref: 18/00735/OUT1 having regard

to the recent finding in Appeal Ref: APP/Y1138/W/18/32139362 (Uplowman) and the expert evidence now adduced in the subject application so that the

Appeal under Appeal Ref: (APP/Y1138/W/19/3234861) might be discontinued."

An Appeal against the refusal of permission in  May 2018 has been submitted by the owner to the Planning Inspectorate on August 7th 2019.

Full details can be found on the Mid Devon Planning site ref 19/01472/OUT

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