Review of the Bickleigh Village Website

The small development group met recenty to review the working of the website and receive information on the number of visits made to the site. These were pleasantly increasing and included people from Australia, Canada and Russia. Several people had registered with the site and could add content at any time (help available if needed.) Local businesses and services had been supportive and paid banner advertisements ( £5-£20 per annum depending on business size) taken out. The Parish Council was also to contribute funding from a grant for providing on site information.

The site was working in co-operation with the "Bugle" newsletter and it was hoped that a joint email contact list of interested people could be produced. More content and pictures woud be encouraged, information about the Church added and businesses asked to add a"link" to their own sites. Two sources had promised drone photos and an interest shown in seeking support for safe cycleways provision in this area. It was noted that the Centenary of the end of the First World War would be marked in November and details of local lives lost given on site. Should difficulties arise it was agreed that Michael, Kerry and David consider and resolve them.

Ideas for an event to encourage community involvement were considered with regular items submitted to the "Bugle."

Thanks were expressed to all who have supported this initative and particularly to Michael McAndrew for his skills, advice and support. The meeting ended with Michael's happy announcement that he and Johanna were expecting another child in July.

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