South West Water-loss of supply

After the snow we now have long periods without mains water. It seems impossible to get information from South West Water. Several rang them Sunday afternoon to be told they were not aware of a problem in EX16. They would check and ring back with information. Nothing was heard but delight in the early hours of Monday morning to hear the water pipes filling. At least a shower, hot drink and loo flushing possible at breakfast time! Then without warning no supply from mid morning, which we are told meant closing the school and sending pupils home soon after arrival. Rang SW Water, they had no knowledge of a problem, there was nothing they could do but perhaps ring around 6pm.

Rang at 6pm, again told no information. Then an apologetic phone call saying they were very sorry but could give no information as to when supply might return. And then around 1.30am creaking in the pipes so up out of bed with a bounce to challenge the day's dishes with hot soapy water and to flush the loos.

So when can we expect to know what is going to happen today and whether another early hours domestic shift at the kitchen sink will be required? Clearly SW Water have their problems but they could certainly improve on their communications!

Update 17 March 2018

Have you received your £35 rebate?

Quite a surprise to receive cheque in the post from SW Water following the recent problems of water supply. 

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