"The Finish line", raises more than £1,400 for the Devon Air Ambulance Trust Bickleigh players

Bickleigh Drama Group have just completed a short run of a full length Comedy, and raised a substantial amount for the Devon Air Ambulance Trust. Bickleigh Village Hall was bursting at the seams on the evenings of Sat 28th and Sun 29th October when, following an excellent meal of either Thai food, or Ceylon Curry, a comedy play entitled "The Finish line" was performed by a cast of 12.

The tale is set in August 2012 when London was hosting the Summer Olympic Games and Team GB were doing us proud by winning a total of 65 medals. At the same time, in a remote decaying Country House, known as Woodley Manor, a dozen wonderfully varied and equally colourful characters unite, hoping in their separate ways to reach "The Finish Line". Strangely they do end up "medalling" but in a completely different way!

Maisie, the long-suffering, quick-witted maid (played delightfully by Becca Radford) manages the house, while brother and sister, Sir Humphrey and Lady Gwendoline Woodley (Dave Fuller and Rose Chanin) are eccentric but lovable oddities who live in the past, with the house falling down around their ears. Sustenance of sorts is offered by the long suffering cook (Jackie Mitchell), a down to earth no nonsense chef who likes a tincture or three! Into the melee enters the estranged younger sister of Sir Humphrey and Lady Gwendoline, the Lady Hester (Helen May) who has fallen on hard times. She brings her accomplice Sebastian (Richard Chanin) and the couple make a magnificent comedic partnership.

Also invited to this weekend are three ex-Olympians. The first is Titania (Laura Chanin) a leggy Russian femme fatale, alluring, platinum blonde with men clearly on the menu and with an insatiable appetite. Then there is Hans (Paul Little), a German former athlete who now believes he is on the run from the law. Thirdly we meet Alexis (Vikram Devaraj). She is an ex-Olympic Russian shot-putter who is now a prison officer and close friend of Hans. She admits to taking performance-enhancing drugs in the past but is morally upright and candid although there is nothing delicate about Alexis!

Freddie Fingers (Richard Somerwill) is a wonderful cockney wide-boy who is no stranger to being a guest at HMP establishments. He and Maisie have a fondness for each other and, although roguish and light-fingered, like Del Trotter he has a kind heart and recognizes an honour among thieves. Freddie has adopted a step-daughter, Brittany (Lily May), an easy going playful teenager who feels a kinship with Sir Humphrey despite being worlds apart in refinement and the social classes.

Finally we meet Mcreedie (Neil Powell), a council Sanitary Inspector. This well intentioned individual who makes a visit to Woodley Manor is totally bemused as he meets a succession of characters who leave him increasingly bewildered, baffled and perplexed. After being locked in the cellar he escapes, ever puzzled and confused by the chaotic proceedings and still mystified by the workings of the cesspit! Happily the story ends with disclosure of skeletons in the cupboard, and the discovery of a valuable item within the grounds, ensuring that the family's future and fortunes are restored and secure.

The play was written by Paul Rudelhoff and Jane Hilliard, published by Lazy Bee Scripts, and produced by Rose Chanin. The lighting, sound and effects were carefully designed and executed by Adam Jones. The two evenings raised a total in excess of £1,400 for the Devon Air Ambulance Trust and we would like you to express our gratitude to those who managed to get to the hall to support this activity and are amazed at everyone’s constant generosity.

Bickleigh drama group - The Finish Line
Bickleigh drama group - The Finish Line

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